

Approval of invitations


For the submitted request for approval of invitation

EUR 10

For request for approval of invitation, which is submitted electronically by using special online form available on the state administration service portal 


  • in addition – for each person, being older than six years, included in the request for invitation


  • in addition – for each child, being in the age up to 6 years, including in the request for invitation


  • in addition – for request for right to employment of each person to be invited

EUR 55



For each specification in the information included in the request for invitation, which is performed in accordance with the request of an inviter


For granting additional right to employment or specification of the current right to employment

EUR 20

Requesting and extension of the Schengen visa


Requesting of the Schengen visa

  • airport transit visa (category A)
  • uniform short term visa (category C)
  • visa with limited territorial validity (category C)

EUR 80

Requesting of the Schengen visa (reduced State fee)

  • for children in the age from six years up to 12 years.

EUR 40


Requesting of the Schengen visa (increased State fee)

  • if an implementing decision is adopted by the Council under point (b) of Article 25a(5)
 EUR 120 or EUR 160

Requesting of the Schengen visa for citizens of Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Cape Verde, the Russian Federation, Montenegro, Moldova, Serbia and Ukraine

  • uniform short term visa (category C)
  • visa with limited territorial validity (category C)

EUR 35

Requesting of the Schengen visa as per urgent procedure for citizens of the Belarus, Russian Federation and Ukraine

  • uniform temporary visa (category C)
  • visa with restricted territorial validity (category C)

EUR 70

Extension of the Schengen visa at the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs

(only at the Migration Division in Riga (Čiekurkalna 1.līnija 1, k-3, on working days from 9:00 to 15:30) or territorial units in Daugavpils, Jurmala, Liepaja, Valmiera and Ventspils)

  • if a holder of the visa has submitted evidence regarding force majeure circumstances or human reasons;
  • if a holder of the visa has submitted evidence regarding serious personal reasons




Free of charge

 EUR 30

Requesting of the national long stay visa (category D)

EUR 60

Requesting of the national long stay visa (category D)  as per urgent procedure at the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (if the application is submitted less than three working days before  expiry of the legal period of stay in Latvia)

EUR 120

Waiver from payment of the State fee for approval of invitationsare determined in Paragraph 11 of the Cabinet Regulation No.557 "Regulations on the State Fee for Review of Documents Necessary for Requesting of Visa, Residence Permit or Status of the Permanent Resident of the European Union in the Republic of Latvia and Services Related with that",adopted on 12.09.2017.

Partial exemptions from payment of the State fee (in relation to employment):

  • Sub-paragraph 11.21 of the Cabinet Regulations No. 557 of 12.09.2017 list the groups of persons and cases, when, upon approval of invitation, the inviter of a foreigner shall be exempted from payment of a part of the State fee that refers to requesting of the right to employment (EUR 55), and from payment of the State fee for granting additional right to employment or specification of the current right to employment (EUR 20);
  • the inviter of a foreigner, who has received a visa in Latvia and wants to receive additional right to employment, shall be exempted from payment of a part of the State fee that refers to submission of the request for invitation (EUR 10 or EUR 5) and a part of the State fee for a person included in the invitation (EUR 4).


Waiver from payment of the State fee for examination of documents necessary for the issuance of the Schengen visa (uniform visa and visa with limited territorial validity)

1)In accordance with Article 16, Paragraph 4 of the Visa Code:

2) In accordance with Paragraph 11 of the Cabinet Regulation No.557 of 12.09.2017:

3) In accordance with Paragraph 21 of the Cabinet Regulation No.675 of 30.08.2011:

4) In accordance with agreements between the European Union and Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Cape Verde, the Russian Federation, Montenegro, Moldova, North Macedonia, Serbia and Ukraine on the facilitation of the issuance of visas  (particular groups of persons are referred to in the relevant Agreements).


Waiver from payment of the State fee for examination of documents necessary for the issuance of D visa

1) In accordance with Paragraph 11 of the Cabinet Regulation No.557 of 12.09.2017:

2) In accordance with Paragraph 21 of the Cabinet Regulation No.675 of 30.08.2011:


!!! The State fee shall be paid before submission of documents!

In case if the decision is made to refuse approval of the invitation or issuance of visa, the submitted documents shall not be returned and the State fee shall not be repaid.


It is possible to settle accounts for services of the OCMA:

  • via payment cards (VISA, VISA Electron, Maestro, Master)  at any territorial unit;

For payments with payment cards the commission fee shall be covered by the Treasury from the State budget funds.

  • by using services of credit institutions via wire transfer.


Purpose of payment:  VN OCMA invitation or visa + person`s name and surname and birth data
The Beneficiary: the Treasury, registration No.90000050138
Beneficiary authority: the Treasury, code TRELLV22
Account No.: LV37TREL1060140918500



If you perform payment via wire transfer at the credit institution or online banking, please, take into account that the payment processing may last for several days. If the payment will not reach the Treasury, the OCMA shall not be entitled to provide the requested service! 

Due to changes in regulatory enactments, print-outs from online banking, payment orders approved by banks and other documents certifying the payment shall not be considered as a certification that the payment is made

When applying for service as per the urgent procedure (preparation of statements, preparation of passports and eID by accelerated procedure etc.), we recommend to make payment for the service at the OCMA division by a payment card.