The Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs is a state institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Interior of Republic of Latvia and is responsible for issue of identity documents and travel documents, maintenance of the Register of Natural Persons, implementation of state migration policy, including development and implementation of repatriation and asylum policy.

Pursuant to the legislation, the OCMA has the following functions:

  • to develop and implement the state policy on migration and asylum;
  • to ensure the maintenance of the Register of Natural Persons and registration of residents;
  • to determine the legal status of individuals in the country and naturalization;
  • to issue personal identification and travel documents.

In 2016, the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs celebrated its 25th anniversary. Since the establishment of the Office, the scope of responsibilities has increased as well as the number of people employed by the Office, however, the body is still in its development process. As a modern state authority it sets its priority to be a simple, foreseeable and understandable co-operation with the population, therefore the Office has started to ensure that population receives services of the highest quality, as well as to create a double-check, convenient and safe system for identity documents.

The Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs is constantly developing and improving its work in order to increase contribution in promoting the development of the society and the state, as well as to implement its responsibilities on a qualitative level. We need support and appreciation of the society to reach the set goals!