Execution deadline in working days
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Individual person
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Receiving restrictions

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Within the framework of the service, a person (you) has the possibility to provide (or withdraw a previously provided) permission to another person (such as a merchant) with access to certain sets of your personal data included in the Register of Natural Persons. A permit shall be granted to a particular other natural or legal person, for a specific period and for a specific amount of data, if the applicant has no legal basis for obtaining information from the register of Natural Persons.
The amount of data regarding the person has been determined in Section 11, Paragraph one of the Law on the Register of Natural Persons. The service may be executed in response to a request for permission to use OCMA data submitted by another person (such as a merchant) or on the person's own initiative, which can be registered in this e-service.

Process description

  1. Electronically
    Synchronous e-service - the user receives the result of the execution without delay.

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